Monday, November 10, 2008

bryant family update....

i thought i might elaborate a bit on the previous highly informative post =) as previously stated.....we are indeed expecting a baby.....i am about 20 weeks along now.....i have only gained about 3 or 4 pounds, so i have been trying to eat more now that i am not puking constantly (thank the Lord that part is over...i wouldn't wish pregnancy sickness on my worst enemy...not that i have one...but anyway).......after the initial shock and hysteria has worn off.....i am ecstatic to say the thing for sure, we have one hyperactive kicks and wiggles all day and sometimes wakes me up at night.....and it's only approximately 8 1/2 oz. right now.... We are finding out tomorrow whether this is a boy or girl....can't wait!!!! i will post and let y'all know....and if i can figure out how, will post the pics of the ultrasound.....

i have always been anti-abortion to the extreme....but now that i have this living, sqirming child in my belly it makes me realize anew how absolutely barbaric you must be to kill such a precious creation.....i can't explain how much i love this child already..... how much i desire to raise this baby in this precious truth and see it growing up and loving Jesus with all its heart and for God to spare it from the evils of this world....this is now my greatest desire.....i believe it goes something like this "there is no greater joy than to see our children walk in truth".....

anyway.....greg and i are doing great.....just busy, busy, busy.....i am working for the same company but at a different hospital....central mississippi medical center.....i like it lots so far....greg is staying busy cutting hair and with everything at church.... anyway... that's all far now....sorry so scattered....

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